Osteoporosis LTC Resources for Health Professionals – English

Osteoporosis and Related Fractures in Canada Report from the Canadian Chronis Disease Surveillance System

Osteoporosis Canada has been working in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), assisting in the collection of data in Canada’s Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS). This report provides a national overview on diagnosed osteoporosis, related fractures and the osteoporosis care gap among Canadians.

Osteoporosis and Related Fractures in Canada Infographic

This updated infographic provides a national overview on diagnosed osteoporosis, related fractures and the osteoporosis care gap among Canadians and is based on the most recent CCDSS data and provides an update on key findings from PHAC’s 2020 Report Osteoporosis and related fractures in Canada: Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System.

Fracture Risk Factors for LTC Residents

The Summary of Fracture Risk Factors is a resource for family members of LTC residents that quickly highlights key risk factors for fractures.  It helps to categorize long term care residents to determine if they may be at high to very high risk for fractures. The more risk factors a resident has, it may help determine if they are high or very high risk.

Keeping it Together – Osteoporosis Prevention Conversation Tool

OARC and the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy for Long-Term Care recently introduced their new newly developed “Keeping it Together” Resident Conversation Sheet about osteoporosis. Learn more here.

Fracture Risk Factors for LTC Residents (PDF, 414 KB)

The Summary of Fracture Prevention Recommendations is a great resource for family members of LTC residents. It’s a quick tool to understand the recommendations for preventing fractures in long term care. 

Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention Resources for Family Councils (Word, 305 KB)

This resource list is for Family Councils and family members interested in learning more about osteoporosis and fracture prevention in long-term care (LTC) homes in Ontario.

Talk Sheet: Accessing information on osteoporosis and fracture prevention (Word, 102 KB)

This talk sheet is for Family Councils and family members to use to support access to information and gain a better understanding of current knowledge on health issues that affect long-term care (LTC) residents.

CMAJ Podcast on Preventing Fractures in Long-Term Care (Listen on SoundCloud)

Listen to Dr. Alexandra Papaioannou – Executive Director at GERAS – as she is interviewed by Dr. Eric Tangalos of Reach MD Radio on Healthy Bones, Healthy Body: Osteoporosis in Long Term Care

Osteoporosis EMR Custom Form

Electronic Medical Records

Long-Term Care Fracture Prevention Order Set (English) (PDF, 305 KB)

This 1 page LTC Fracture Prevention Order Set is to be used for all new residents on admission. The Order Set includes History, Diagnostics & Investigations, Osteoporosis Medications, Dietary, and Other Interventions for Fall & Fracture Prevention.

Long-Term Care Fracture Prevention Quick Reference Guide (English) (PDF, 428 KB)

This 2 page quick reference guide is a tool that provides a quick summary of information including Fracture Risk Assessment on Admission and Fracture and Fall Prevention Strategies for residents living in long-term care environments.

CMAJ Publication – Recommendations for Preventing Fracture in Long-Term Care

In older adults living in long-term care facilities, fractures cause pain, agitation, immobility and transfer to hospital. Based on systematic reviews of the evidence, this guideline provides recommendations to prevent fractures in this vulnerable group.

Recommendations for Preventing Fracture in Long-Term Care (English) Presentation (PDF, 2 MB)

Instructive PowerPoint Presentation with 55 slides guiding providers through the recommendations.

Too Fit to Fracture

This comprehensive guide informs how to manage osteoporosis through exercise.